Jumat, 08 Desember 2017

[ACADEMIC] Chapter 19: Unlock Your Inborn Creativity

Assalamualaikum Wr. Wb
I won’t talk too much, so check it dot!
Happy Reading^^

“Make every thought, every fact, that comes into your mind pay you a profit. Make it work and produce for you. Think of things not as they are but as they may be. Don’t merely dream but create!”

You do not need to achieve a miracle to bring about spectacular results in your life. You only need to use a little bit more of your existing brainpower than you are using today. This small improvement in your thinking ability can change your life so profoundly that both you and others will be astonished by what you accomplish in the months and years ahead.

The good news is that creativity is a natural and normal ability, possessed in quantity by virtually everyone. It is inborn, a part of your genetic structure, a faculty that is uniquely human. Everyone is creative. Fully 95% of the population has the ability to function at exceptional, if not genius levels, given the right situation and circumstances.

Deal With Each Problem Effectively:
1.      Step One: Define the problem clearly
2.      Step Two: Ask, “What are all the possible causes of this problem?” Look for both the obvious and the not so obvious causes of the problem.
3.      Step Three: Ask, “What are all the possible solutions?” Avoid the natural tendency of most human beings to leap from a problem definition to a conclusion regarding a solution of some kind. Always ask, “What else is the solution?”

Unlock Your Inborn Creativity:
1.      Select your most important goal, or biggest problem, and write it at the top of a sheet of paper as question. Then discipline yourself to generate 20 answers to that question, and implement one of those answers immediately.
2.      Approach every problem systematically by defining it clearly, developing possible solutions, making a decision and then implementing the solution as soon as possible.
3.      Think on paper. Write down every detail of a problem or goal and look for simple, practical ways to solve the problem or achieve the goal.
4.      Identify the best and worst things that could happen to you in the months ahead. Determine what you could do to reduce the effects of the worst outcomes and maximize the benefits or likelihood of the best possible outcomes.

You are only as free as your options. Develop a plan B for every important area of your business and personal life.

Thank you for reading^^


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