Minggu, 29 April 2018

[ACADEMIC] Academic Reading Skill: The Relationship Between Indonesian Journal and International Journal

Assalamualaikum Wr. Wb
Welcome back with me again guys^^

Today I am to share about the relationship between Indonesian Journal dan International Journal. The relation between them are the differences and the similarities.

For the first one is The Similarities between Indonesian Journal and International Journal. Check this out:
1. There are an abstrack, keyword and references in the Indonesian Journal and International Journal
2. The vol from them is known in the journal

And the second one is the differences between Indonesian Journal and International Journal. Check this out:
1. The language between them are different
2. In the International Journal, there are more complete in the contents, such as the method and the result.

That is all for me.
Thank you very much^^


Sabtu, 07 April 2018

[ACADEMIC] Academic Reading Skills: Point Analysis of The Journal Articles

Assalamualaikum wr Wb.
Hello Guys back again with me^^
Today I am to share about “What are critically reading in my journal article”

In the previous post, I shared about the point of journal article. For this moment, I am to share about the analysis of that points of my journal article. From my lecturer, there are many criteria of the best journal article. Such as Abstract, Introduction, etc. because of it, I am going to analysis that is there any one of the above criteria in my journal article.
So, let me share about my journal article that contains:
1.      Title
The title of my journal article is The Importance of Teaching Academic Reading Skills in First Year University Courses by Julian Hermida of Algoma University
2.      Abstract
In the abstract, I find the writer’s Intent and Purpose. As the last article I shared, writer’s trying to say how the teacher try to teach the proper reading strategies to help students use a deep approach in reading academic texts. The research study is the participants take from first-year College in the Legal Studies course. This research intends to know the student’s ability and evaluate student approach to reading by assessing the quality of their learning outcomes.
3.      Keywords
Reading skills, deep approach, surface approach
4.      Introduction
This journal article aims to make students more interested in reading and how the teacher invites students to prefer reading and providing an in-depth approach to students about reading. this activity can be started by introducing students to be more active.
5.      Review about the case
Research studies show that most university students today take a surface approach to reading and learning (Biggs, 1998, p. 58). This phenomenon occurs because teachers usually lecture the texts and evaluates students on their retention of facts and principles conveyed in the lectures (Wendling, 2008; Hobson, 2004, p.1). Because of that, the author of the journal uses it as the case examined

6.      The method used
The method used in this journal article is quantitative, because the writer makes some discussion and survey to student in the first-year university
7.      Discussion
-          Discuss some strategies, examples, and resources aimed at promoting students to take a deep approach to reading.
-          How to read academic texts in aligned courses where students have ample opportunities to engage in reading activities throughout the term, students are more likely to adopt a deep approach to reading.
-          discussion of the difference between a surface and a deep approach to reading

8.      Conclusion
The study conducted to get research that most students use a surface approach to reading and learning. this study focuses on students' attitudes, activities and skills.
That is all the contains of my journal article. I am sorry for the mistake.

Previous: Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4
