Jumat, 24 November 2017

[ACADEMIC] Chapter 9: Make Your Progress

 Assalamualaikum Wr.Wb
Hai good people!
Back again with me

Happy Reading!

“There is no road too long to the man who advances deliberately and without undue haste; there are no honors too distant to the man who prepares himself for them with patience.”
You have incredible mental powers that you habitually fail to use to their full extent. By systematically setting goals for your life and making detailed plans to achieve them, you will save yourself years of hard work in reaching the same level of success. Goal setting enables you to use vastly more of your thinking powers than the average person.

As you set your goals and begin moving toward them, it is essential that you establish a series of benchmarks or measures that you can use to evaluate your progress, day-by-day and hour-by-hour. The more clear and specific the measures you set, the more accurate you will be in hitting your targets on schedule.

There are three keys to peak performance in achieving your goals. They are commitment, completion and closure. When you make a firm commitment to achieve a particular goal, and you put aside all excuses, it is very much like stepping on the accelerator of your subconscious mind. Completion is the second ingredient in peak performance. There is an enormous difference between doing 95% of a task and doing 100% of a task. In fact, it is very common for people to work very hard up to the 90% or 95% level and then to slack off and delay the final completion of the task.

A goal or a decision without a deadline is merely a discussion. It has no energy behind it. It is like a bullet with no powder in the cartridge. Unless you establish deadlines to which you are committed, you will end up “firing blanks” in life and work.

Measure Your Progress:
1.      Determine a single measure that you can use to grade your progress and success in each area of life. Refer to it daily.
2.      Determine the most important part of your job as it affects your income, and measure your daily activities in that area.
3.      Set a minimum, specific amount for daily, weekly, monthly saving and investment, and discipline yourself to put away those amounts.
4.      Break every large goal down into measurable, controllable parts, and then focus on accomplishing each part on a fixed deadline.
5.      Make it a game with yourself to set benchmarks, measures, scorecards, targets and deadlines for every goal, and then focus on those numbers and dates. The goals will take care of themselves.
6.      Resolve to accomplish at least one specific part of a larger goal each day, and never miss a day.

Thank you for reading!


[ACADEMIC] Chapter 8: Start At The Beginning

Assalamualaikum Wr. Wb
Back again and again guys hehe
Happy reading!

“Your problem is to bridge the gap between where you are now and the goals you intend to reach.”
If you want to be the best you can be, and to achieve what is truly possible for you, you must be brutally honest with yourself and your point of departure. You must sit down and analyze yourself in detail to decide exactly where you are today in each area.

If you want to exercise yourself, the first thing you do is to determine how much you are exercising. How many minutes per day and per week are you exercising, and how intensely each time? What kind of exercises are you doing? Whatever your answer, it is important that you be as accurate as you possibly can. You then use this answer as a starting point and make your exercise plans for the future based on it.

If you want to earn a certain amount of money, ask yourself, “why am I not I earning this amount of money already?” Look around you and identify people who are earning the kind of money that you want to earn. What are they doing differently from you? What special skills and abilities have they developed that you have not yet developed? What skills and abilities do you need to acquire if you want to earn the same kind of money they are earning? If you are not sure, go and ask them. Find out. This is too important for guesswork or chance.

Once you have answered these questions, you then look at yourself in the mirror and ask, “What are my weakest skill areas?” Where are you below average or poor? What is it that you do poorly that interferes with your ability to use your other skills? What is it that you do poorly, that other people do better than you? Especially, what key skills do you lack that are essential for your success? Whatever they are, you need to identify them accurately and honestly and then make a plan to improve in each area.

1.      Determine the reality of your current situation relative to your major goals. Where are you now, and how far do you have to go?
2.      Apply the zero based thinking principle to every area of your life. What are you doing today that you wouldn’t get into again if you had it to do over, knowing what you now know?
3.      Do a complete financial analysis of your life. How much are you earning today, and how much are you worth? What are your goals in these areas?
4.      Do a complete skills analysis on yourself and your work. Where are you good? Where do you need to improve?
5.      Determine exactly how much you earn each hour, and what it is you do to earn that amount. What do you have to do to increase your hourly rate in the months ahead?
6.      Imagine your future was perfect in every way. What would have to happen to make that vision a reality?

Okay thank you for reading guys!


[ACADEMIC] Chapter 7: Analyze Your Beliefs

Assalamualaikum Wr. Wb
Hi, lucky people!
Back and back again with me hehe
I will resume the chapter 7: Analyze Your beliefs. Check it!

“You are not what you think you are, but what you think, you are.”
The first one what you have to do in this chapter is Change Your Thinking, it can change your life. All improvement in your life comes from changing your beliefs about yourself and your possibilities.

Your self-concept precedes and predicts your levels of performance and effectiveness in everything you do. Your self-concept is the master program of your mental computer. It is the basic operating system. Everything that you accomplish in your outer world is a result of your self-concept.

The worst of all beliefs are self-limiting beliefs. If you believe yourself to be limited in some way, whether or not it is true, it becomes true for you. If you believe it, you will act as if you were deficient in that particular area of talent or skill. Overcoming self-limiting beliefs and self-imposed limitations is often the biggest obstacle standing between you and the realization of your full potential.

Many people, because of their negative beliefs, most of which are erroneous, falsely consider themselves to be limited in intelligence, talent, capability, creativity or skill of some kind. In virtually every case, these beliefs are false.

The fact is that you have more potential than you could ever use in your entire lifetime. No one is better than you and no one is smarter than you. People are just smarter or better in different areas at different times.
Unfortunately, only two intelligences are measured and reported throughout school and university: verbal and mathematical. But you could be a genius in the areas of visio-spatial intelligence (art, design,), entrepreneurial intelligence (business startups), physical or kinesthetic intelligence (sports), musical intelligence (playing musical instruments, writing music), interpersonal intelligence (getting along well with others), intra-personal intelligence (understanding yourself at a deep level), intuitive intelligence (ability to sense the right thing to do or say), artistic intelligence (creating works of art) or abstract intelligence(physics, science).

“I am destined to be a big success in life.” Say that every time, it can make your thinking changing. If you absolutely believe that you are destined to be a big success, you will walk, talk, and act as if everything that happens to you in life is part of a great plan to make you successful. And as it happens, this is how the top people think in every field.

Your beliefs are always manifested in your words and actions. Make sure that everything you say and do from now on is consistent with the beliefs that you want to have, and the person that you want to become. In time, you will replace more and more of your self-limiting beliefs with life-enhancing beliefs. Over time, you will completely reprogram yourself for success. When this occurs, the transformation that takes place in your outer life will amaze you, and all the people around you.

See You Next Chapter^^
